- Moving from small self identification to Self-Realization. Navigating post-personal stages of Awakening (Self-Realization)
- Thinking -> Being. Remembering Being-Ness
- Healing Self-Worth Wounding and Remembering Innate Self-Worth in one's Being
- Emotional Healing and Expanding One's Emotional Capacity and Range
- Sexual Trauma Healing + Alchemy
- Relationships (Moving from Codependency to Sovereignty and Interdependence). Healing attachment wounding
- Working with trauma in the Root (Safety, Security, Core Needs, Scarcity, Fear)
- Working with trauma in the Sacral (relating, belonging, relationship, expression, sexuality, sensuality)
- Discovering Soul Purpose + Mission and Aligning Accordingly
- Preparing for and Integrating Plant Medicine or Expanded State Experiences
- Embodiment - Accessing Sensations and Emotions in all of the layers of the Body. Descending into the Body
- Nervous System Literacy and Regulation
- Developing Intuition, Connection to the Unseen, and Spiritual Gifts
- Navigating Spiritual Awakenings + Working with Subtle Body and EnergeticsÂ
Apprenticeship with Sami Badawy (Nov 2024 - present)
Mentorship with Darananda (Dec 2020 - present)
Her teachers, guides + mentors over the past 5 years: Hannah Deindorfer, Steven Jaggers, Fish Fischer, Vanessa Rose Lima, Ty Hudnall, Dr. John Churchill, Sami Badawy, and Darananda Â
1 Year of Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Teacher Training @ Karuna Mandala
- Zen Conflict Resolution Course with Diane Hamilton
- Completion of clearing 4 main ancestral lines under Daniel Foor's Ancestral Medicine MethodologyÂ
 9th Generation Usui Reiki MasterÂ
Goddess Yoga International™ Instructor
- SomatIQ Breathwork Facilitator™
Precision Nutrition Certified Nutritionist
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Animal Flow Instructor